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What People Say About Us
We know what a success we are, but don’t just take our word for it. Here’s just a selection of recent feedback:
"This was a sublime treat. A master of his craft we were so privileged to be there again 20 years later! Bravo!" (about John Lill).
"A very big thank you to you and all the Committee for another wonderfully enjoyable set of concerts."
"Came to Friday night's concert - it was absolutely fantastic ! "
"Great evening tonight!"
"My wife & I thoroughly enjoyed the Keith Nichols concert, and introduced our Grandson and his partner to some good music i.e. Jazz ! Thanks again and congratulations to you all!"
"Just a note to express our appreciation & thanks for another outstanding festival. Lots of variety and great quality. Thanks for all the hard work, planning & organisation involved. We look forward to next year already."
“A very well organised evening, a high standard and great fun.”
“Fantastic, an amazing privileged experience”
“Very enjoyable”
“Please pass on our thanks to all (planners, treasurer, ushers, bar staff, washers-up, car park attendant etc) involved in this excellent festival”
“Love the idea of music in the village, keep it up”